Silver Dollar (Metynnis hypsauchen) comes from the Amazon River, South America. Are likely to herbivore. Silvery body color and are very actively engaged. Fish is very ornamental fish lovers tune so demand is high. Silver Dollar also called piranha imitator because of the body such as the piranha.
Fish is very happy living in the water environment and not too quiet. light. Optimum temperatures are between 25-28 ° C. Optimal acidity of water around 6,5-7,0 with violence around 10 ° Dh.
breeding needed to clean water. In addition to worms and mosquitoes, mother will be happy if the feed water vegetables such as lettuce. Feed these vegetables seem to be any improvements to help increase the quality of eggs.
Between male and female is very easy to be distinguished. male more slender, and with a slightly reddish color on the belly fin. In the female, the color red fin stomach more. In addition, the form of a male fin slightly rounded triangle, while the female-headed straight.
breeding occur in a pair aquarium. eggs in the base so that the substrate is not necessary.
Fish spawn by the parent who run chase each other and look each other
busy. When you are happy to start, it almost as a sign that
or spawn is complete. Spawn at the time between 8.00-11.00.
Once completed spawn, eggs can be taken to born.
The eggs are difficult because the need patience. Therefore, farmers generally only move the mother only, while the eggs left in place until breeding hatch.
Altitude incubation enough water to about 15 cm. During the incubation so that no attack fungi, into the water can be added blue metil 0.2 ppm.
Eggs are treated well and given aerasi will usually hatch after 2-3 days. Larva will begin to swim two days after the hatch. When flyblow have started to swim, water can be replaced a half.
Replacement water should be done every day until the water is free from the womb metil blue. After the swim start, flyblow can be given feed infusoria or artemia. After the age of 3-4 days, followed by food water bug.
This enlargement of fish seed was started 2-3 sunday. Activities enlargement can be done in the aquarium, tanks, ponds and cement. Besides aquarium, aerasi not be advisable in the tub and swimming. Water plants are also needed in the enlargement of fish swimming in the open. Water plants function as a place for fish to shelter.
Fish feed on enlargement in the form of silk worms. Feed water lettuce can be added every 4 days. Meanwhile, the replacement vessel for the aquarium water should be more often than swimming because aquarium more narrow. The size of fish ready to sell can 2,5-3,0 cm. Usually the size of the fish could have been achieved after the fish are kept for three months.
source: Darti S.L and D. Iwan Spreader Swadaya, 2006
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