Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

Brachionus Plicatilis

Brachionus Plicatilis.

This Group [is] included in Rotifera phyllum, Mogononta klas, Ordo Ploima, Crachionidae familia, gender of Brachionus. Culture of Rotifera this can be [done/conducted] in volume wood basin 300 litre with salinitas 18 permil. After equipments cleaned, water [is] enough filtered with filter 60 micron. Produce this [is] Rotifera very depend on is ready [of] food. Some life food type able to be utilized for the food of Rotifera [is] : Chlorella Sp, Tetraselmis Sp and bread yeast. From [among/between] some the type which at most weared [is] Chlorella sp. Way of practical for the culture of Brachionus plicatilis that is with inokulasi [at] tank which have been filled [by] water go out to sea and have been growed [by] chlorella.
source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

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