Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Berdayakan Potensi Pesisir

Berdayakan Potensi Pesisir

KPP-PA dan KKP Beri Penyuluhan Para Istri Nelayan

JAKARTA-Pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat pesisir, terutama istri nelayan, digiatkan oleh pemerintah. Di antaranya melalui Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPP-PA) beserta Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP). Kedua kementerian itu menyelenggarakan penyuluhan selama satu malam di atas kapal latih Madidihan-03. Acara tersebut dilakukan dalam rangka mewujudkan visi KKP menjadikan tanah air sebagai penghasil produk kelautan dan perikanan terbesar pada 2015.

Sepanjang malam, mereka mengikuti seluruh materi yang diberikan dari kedua lembaga tersebut. Terlebih, setiap hari sebagai seorang istri pelaut, mereka lebih banyak ditinggalkan oleh para suami untuk mendapatkan hasil di laut."Kegiatan ini dilakukan agar mereka tidak lagi bergantung pada suami, tapi mampu meningkatkan potensi yang dimiliki," ucap Meutia Hatta, anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden Republik Indonesia, kemarin malam.

Sebagai negara maritim yang memiliki wilayah lautan terluas di seluruh dunia, sudah seharusnya Indonesia mengedapankan potensi ekonomi yang dimiliknya. Salah satunya memberikan edukasi dan masukan kepada warga tentang bagaimana caranya membuat sebuah karya. "Setidaknya mereka menjadi lebih kreatif," tambahnya ketika ditemui di atas kapal latih Madidihan-03 yang masih berusia tiga bulan.

Apalagi, tambah Meutia, tempat tinggalnya yang berada di wilayah pesisir justru dapat membantu mereka untuk meningkatkan potensi dari alam. Salah satunya dengan membuat beberapa benda kerajinan tangan seperti kaus, gelang, dan berbagai suvenir lainnya. "Dengan begitu, mereka bisa mengangkat kesejahteraannya sendiri tanpa perlu bantuan darisuami," sahutnya. Para peserta yang datang dari seluruh provinsi terlihat sangat antusias mengikuti penyuluhan meski keadaan gelombang laut sedang tidak memungkinkan.

Sementara dalam sambutannya, Meneg PP-PA Linda Amalia Sari yang dibacakan oleh Hertomo Heroe, deputi Pengarusutamaan Gender Bidang Ekonomi, mengatakan, peran dan kedudukan para penyuluh memiliki posisi strategis. Terlebih, mereka juga memiliki tugasuntuk meningkatkan pendidikan serta pelatihan yang berkaitan dalam dunia maritim. Apalagi dengan kondisi sosial budaya yang kurang menguntungkan serta cara pandang bagi netral gender dalam sebuah permasalahan pembangunan. Lebih sering berdampak kepada perempuan yang jumlahnya separo dari penduduk laki-laki sehingga termaji-nalkan. "Karena cara melihat sebuah permasalahan tidak memeprhatikan kondisi danposisi serta kebutuhan yang berbeda antara laki-laki dan perempuan," ucapnya.

Setidaknya, perlu diberikan arahan agar kaum perempuan sadar kalau dirinya mampu berkontribusi besar dalam sistem produksi, pengolahan, dan pemasaran produk perikanan dengan peran yang setara dengan kaum pria. "Perempuan bukan beban pembangunan. Sebaliknya mereka adalah potensi yang perlu diberikan kesempatan dan peran," pungkasnya, mumu

Sumber : Indo Pos 28 Agustus 2010,hal.3

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Koi Colors

Koi Colors
by: David Maguire

The beauty of Nishikigoi, or koi fish, is that they come in a variety of colors and diverse patterns that never cease to amaze its audience. With a name that literally means brocaded or decorated carps, they continue to captivate many people with their unending assortment of colors and varieties. Koi colors vary depending on their classification, although hobbyists continue to develop different types and classifications for these magnificent aquatic creatures.

To be able to easily identify the many types of this fish, familiarity with koi colors is important. For example, Bekko can be easily recognized since its main characteristic is a single colored koi with black stone patterns (or sumi) on their body; Shiro Bekko is white-skinned, Aka Bekko is red-skinned, and Ki Bekko (which is the rarely seen) has a striking bright lemon yellow color.

Many features are also included to their already beautiful colors. In the case of Hikarimono (also known as Ogon koi), where the fish are single-colored, they have metallic scales that adds luster to their features. The name Hikarimono is a derivative of the Japanese word "hikari" meaning metallic, and the word "mono" that refers to its characteristic of being single-colored. These days, this variety is commonly being crossbred with GinRin (which means silver "Gin", and gold "Rin") to create an effect for scales that are even shinier than the common metallic koi fish.

In some cases, it's the pattern of these colors that make up the name of the koi variations. Example of this is the Shusui, which is a Japanese name that means "Autumn Water". Its name was given because of the color blue along its lateral line with red colorations on the underside of the body that has an effect of falling leaves during the autumn season. Mirror scales that are seen from the back of the head to the tail can almost be seen as flowing water above their red color. Many of these names are pretty poetic like in the case of a Shusui variety, Hana Shusui ("Hana" in Japan means "flower") where the red coloration has a wavy pattern that creates a flowery effect.

However, there is one variety of koi fish that seem to stand out because of an odd behavior of changing color patterns. Kumonryu is a scaled Doitsu koi with markings around its body. Often seen as black with white markings in the winter and white with black markings during spring and summer, to this date no one can tell what changes its color. Some theories that have been made are changes made by temperature or PH levels of water. This type of koi is developed by breeding a Shusui with a Matsukawa Bakke.

These fascinating creatures continue to spark our interest and curiosity with their ever changing characteristics. It doesn't take much to take care of these fish. They are hardy and omnivorous; their gentle and friendly nature allows them to co-exist harmoniously. For many koi enthusiasts, the pleasure of keeping and caring for koi fish is often found in the serenity these amazing creatures bring to their environment.

About The Author
Information about the different varities of koi, koi colors, and patterns. For more information, visit us at

The author invites you to visit:

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Benih Sidat Tatelu

Benih Sidat Tatelu

Ikan sidat telah mulai dibudidayakan di negara-negara maju seiring dengan peningkatan permintaannya dari waktu ke waktu. Sebut saja Jepang dan Eropa yang mulai merintis usaha tersebut. Bahkan di China, budidaya ikan bernama latin Angguila sp.ini telah berlangsung lebih dari dua dasawarsa terakhir. Kendati demikian, upaya itu belum bisa memenuhi semua permintaan sidat.

Peluang inilah yang kini tengah diupayakan Indonesia, menjadi pemasok sidat di dunia. Ini bukan tanpa dasar karena potensi pengembangan budidaya sidat di tanah air sangat besar. Bayangkan saja, selain didukung dengan potensi lahan juga terdapat dua spesies sidat dengan ketersediaan benih alam yang melimpah. Kedua spesies tersebut adalah Agguilla bicolor dan Angguilla marmorata. Jenis pertama mempunyai karakteristik pertumbuhan lebih cepat dan berwarna putih kehitaman. Sedangkan Angguilla marmorata pertumbuhannya lambat tetapi berukuran besar dan disukai konsumen di China.

Namun, pengembangan sidat di bumi pertiwi terkendala penyediaan benih (fingerling) yang sudah siap tebar dalam jumlah besar. Sebab usaha tersebut memerlukan penanganan mulai dari adaptasi terhadap air tawar, pakan buatan dan pertumbuhan untuk mencapai stadia sidat muda atau fingerling. Kendala lain adalah prasarana budidaya, yaitu penyediaan sarana kolam yang harus menggunakan konstruksi permanen untuk mencegah sidat lolos dari kolam. Disamping itu juga membutuhkan sarana air mengalir dan aerator untuk menjaga agar kandungan oksigen bisa memenuhi syarat hidup dan pertumbuhan sidat.

Faktanya, sampai saat ini produksi benih sidat secara artifisial belum bisa dilakukan karena proses reproduksi ikan ini tergolong rumit dan unik. Ikan sidat yang berukuran besar di air tawar tidak bisa mengalami proses pematangan gonad atau produksi telur bila tidak bermigrasi ke laut. Secara alamiah, pemijahan sidat berlangsung di perairan laut dalam yang masih misterius hingga saatP ini. Sementara benih-benih (stadium glass eel) bermigrasi ke perairan tawar melalui muara-muara sungai pada saat bulan gelap.

Beberapa wilayah menunjukkan adanya migrasi benih tersebut. Misalnya Sulawesi Utara. Yaitu di Amorang Kab. Minahasa Selatan, Poigar di Kab. Bolmong dan Inobonto di Kab. Bolmong. Keberadaan benih-benih itu bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber benih alam.

Untuk benih alam yang berukuran sangat kecil umumnya baru mencapai stadium glass eel maupun elver. Tahapan ini membutuhkan perkembangan lebih lanjut untuk mencapai stadium sidat muda. Sedangkan benih yang besar di perairan alami tidak banyak yang bisa hidup (survive) akibat ancaman pemangsa, perubahan kondisi perairan yang kian tercemar dan banyaknya kegiatan konstruksi di perairan yang mengurangi peluang keberlangsungan hidup benih.

Karena itu upaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelamatkan benih-benih tersebut adalah melakukan perawatan (nursery) secara khusus sehingga keberlangsungan hidupnya menjadi besar. Caranya antara lain melalui upaya penangkapan benih pada bulan gelap di muara sungai. Hal itu memungkinkan penyediaan benih dalam jumlah besar meski masih memerlukan upaya penanganan hingga mencapai stadium dan ukuran yang siap dibesarkan di kolam budidaya secara efisien. Sebagai kunci keberhasilan awal pengembangan budidaya sidat adalah kemampuan menyediakan benih siap tebar. Untuk itu harus bisa menjamin tingkat keberlangsungan hidup yang tinggi dari hasil pengumpulan benih alam yang berukuran sangat kecil.

Tahapan-tahapannya sebagai berikut. Pertama adaptasi untuk mendapatkan glass eel yang bisa hidup di air tawar dan responsif terhadap pakan formula. Kemudian penyesuaian air media dengan penurunan kualitas secara bertahap dan adaptasi pakan hidup (cacing diubah menjadi pakan buatan). Ke dua, penumbuhan elver agar menjadi sidat muda elver yang adaptif. Untuk itu dibutuhkan 3 hal yaitu manajemen kualitas air yang memungkinkan kondisi air cepat bersih dan kaya oksigen, memacu asupan pakan melalui penyediaan pakan dengan aktabilitas tinggi dan gizi berimbang serta ke tiga dengan grading ukuran (sortasi) antara individu yang berukuran besar dan kecil. Benih yang siap tebar di kolam harus memenuhi syarat. Yakni ukuran mencapai lebih dari 5 gr/ekor) serta memiliki rasio lebar badan dan berat panjang tidak kurang dari 1,4 cm x 9 gr x 17 cm. (Rd)

sumber :

Strategi Lindungi Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan

Peningkatan produksi hingga 353% selama lima tahun ke depan adalah syarat wajib untuk bisa
menjadi produsen perikanan utama dunia. Namun hal itu tak akan bisa terwujud jika kegiatan
budidaya perikanan masih saja dihantui penyakit. Secara finansial, kejadian penyakit tersebut
menimbulkan kerugian yang tak sedikit.

Lihat saja catatan Direktorat Perikanan Jenderal Budidaya (DJPB). Pada 2007, terjadi kasus
penyakit di 13 provinsi dengan total kerugian Rp 27,5 miliar. Pada tahun yang sama pula terjadi
KHV (Koi Herpes Virus) di 3 lokasi sentra budidaya yakni di Sumatera Barat, Jawa Barat dan
Kalimantan Selatan dengan kerugian mencapai Rp 49 juta. Sementara itu pada 1994, serangan
virus white spot pada udang telah mengakibatkan kerugian mencapai
Rp 100 miliar. Bahkan pada 2006, serangan penyakit menyebabkan larangan perdagangan
ikan mas dan koi antar pulau sehingga berdampak pada munculnya pengangguran dan masih
banyak lagi lainnya.

Celakanya, akibat munculnya kasus penyakit itu produk perikanan Indonesia sempat
mengalami penolakan di pasar internasional. Sebut saja pada periode Januari – Februari 2007
dengan kerugian mencapai Rp 50 miliar. Sementara pada bulan berikutnya di tahun yang
sama, ekspor udang windu ke Jepang sebanyak 16,2 ton juga mengalami penolakan.
Sedangkan pada 1997, ekspor kekerangan terkena embargo dan menyebabkan kerugian
ekonomi sebesar Rp 188 milyar.

Dari sejarah kasus penyakit inilah maka kesehatan ikan dan lingkungan mutlak jadi perhatian.
Terkait hal ini Direktorat Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan – Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan
Budidaya (DJBP) telah mempersiapkan strategi khusus dalam pengembangan sistem
kesehatan ikan dan lingkungan. Direktur Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan, Murdjani dalam
Forum Akselerasi Pembangunan Perikanan Budidaya 2010 – 2014 beberapa waktu lalu di
Batam menyatakan, untuk membentuk kawasan budidaya yang sehat sehingga bisa
mendukung upaya peningkatan produksi maka dilakukan dengan beberapa cara. Yaitu
memberikan perlindungan lingkungan, pengendalian obat ikan dan kimia, standarisasi
kesehatan ikan dan lingkungan, pengendalian residu serta pengendalian hama penyakit ikan.

Langkah Perlindungan

Sementara itu sebagai langkah perlindungan lingkungan dilakukan dengan cara pemantauan
dan evaluasi perlindungan lingkungan budidaya. Selanjutnya juga dengan peningkatan kualitas
lingkungan budidaya melalui restocking ikan trofik level rendah di perairan umum daratan,
perlindungan ikan spesifik lokal potensial budidaya dan rehabilitasi lingkungan budidaya.
Sedangkan untuk kegiatan pengendalian obat ikan, bahan kimia dan biologi dilakukan dengan
cara Perencanaan Tahunan Pengendalian Obat Ikan dan Kimia Nasional (Petapoiknas).
Kemudian juga dengan monitoring evaluasi dan pengendalian obat ikan, kimia dan bahan
biologi. Disampping itu juga dilakukan registrasi obat ikan, penerbitan izin usaha obat ikan serta
penerbitan rekomendasi impor.

Pengendalian hama penyakit ikan (HPI) dilakukan langkah-langkah seperti pemberian vaksinasi
dan imunostimulan, pengembangan obat ramah lingkungan, monitoring dan surveilance
(pengawasan) HPI, pemetaan penyebaran HPI, penerapan biosecurity di kawasan budidaya
serta penerapan Analisa Risiko Impor (ARI).

Selanjutnya ada kegiatan standardisasi kapasitas laboratorium. Antara lain dilakukan dengan
cara pengelolaan laboratorium yang memenuhi standar kelayakan teknis (GLP; ISO 17025),
merumuskan standar metode uji (SNI;POS), peningkatan kompetensi petugas laboratorium,
pengembangan Balai Penyidikan Penyakit Ikan dan Lingkungan (laboratorium level III) di Anyer

– Banten sebagai laboratorium rujukan serta pengembangan jejaring kerja laboratorium dalam
dan luar negeri.
Untuk monitoring residu dilakukan dengan cara penyusunan National Residu Control Plan
(NRCP). Lalu monitoring dan pengendalian residu dengan prioritas komoditas unggulan pada
wilayah provinsi yang ditentukan, harmonisasi peraturan nasional dan internasional serta
koordinasi tindak lanjut pengendalian residu. (Rd)

sumber :

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Koi Spawning and Breeding made Easy

Koi Spawning and Breeding made Easy
by: Clarence Chan

It brings joy to any Koi owner when they are breeding their own Koi fish. In addition, it also saves you money from having to purchase more Koi. But efficient spawning and breeding takes skill and experience. Here are some guidance.

Koi mostly breed during the Spring and Summer seasons, especially when there is a full moon (most often, spawning and breeding come about at night) and the water temperature is the most constant. The necessary thing to do would be to pick out your mating pair.

Your mating pair must not be too young or too old or they give off inferior eggs and fries. The age range of the mating pair must be between 3 to 6 years old. Apparently, you would pick the pair that look the most flourishing and most wonderful.

If you are just starting out, try to take a pair of the same variety. This makes the whole process not difficult.

Approximately 3 to 4 weeks before mating season, set apart the mating pair into an alternative tank. You may possibly also decide on 2 males and 1 female if you wish. Make sure your mating tank is well aerated and you feed them amply.

The female will begin to grow round as she carries her eggs in her body. She will emit a mating odor that will cause the male to try to spawn her. He does this by pushing her body against the side of the tank. As soon as she releases her eggs, the male will fertilize them with sperm.

The eggs are very sticky and will stick to anything at all. So it's practical to have spawning ropes to catch the eggs. As soon as they are fertilized, remove the spawning ropes with the eggs or the adult pair would try to eat the eggs. Also, set apart the mating pair from each other for a day or two before bringing them back into your pond.

When the eggs hatch you will have hundreds of Koi fries.

Subsequently at least 4 weeks, you need to cull your fries to control their population. There are various ways of removing fries.

Alternative way is to give them away. To start with, check with your local pet store. Many pet stores have programs in which they will receive rejected animals and give them pleasant homes. Several may even pay a certain amount for each fish since they market them, but do not count of this. Local Zoos may also have programs.

If you know of a local Koi society, you may let them know that you have unnecessary fries. Instead, you can find a message board or group online and post messages there. You may even begin another person on a Koi keeping hobby.

About The Author
Your Quick and Easy Solution on How to Keep Koi Perfectly is found at

The author invites you to visit:

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Akhir Tahun Rumah Sakit Ikan Beroperasi

Akhir Tahun Rumah Sakit Ikan Beroperasi

JAKART. virus dan penyakit terus menyerang budidaya ikan, maka industri pengolahan perikanan kesulitan untuk mendapatkan bahan baku. Oleh karena itu. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan (MKP) Fadel Muhammad akan meresmikan Rumah Sakit Ikan yang dibangun di Kabupaten Serang. Banten.

Rencananya paling lambat akhir 2010. Rumah Sakit Ikan tersebut diharapkan bisa melakukan analisa penyakit, bakteri, virus sekaligus mengembangkan metode serta cara pengobatan dan penyembuhannya ikan-ikan yang terserang virus.

Amerika dan Jepang sudah lebih dulu memiliki Rumah Sakit Ikan. Sehingga, untuk mengatasi masalah serangan virus dan bakteri selama ini Indonesia juga harus punya. Kita sudah membangun Rumah Sakit Ikan di Serang. Banten dengan anggaran Rp 20 miliar." ungkap Fadel Muhammad belum lama ini. Fadel mengatakan. Rumah Sakit Ikan tersebut saat ini dalam proses pembangunan dan akhir tahun ini diharapkan sudah bisa beroperasi, (nel)

Sumber : Indopos 21 Agustus 2010,hal.3

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

3 Great Fish For Your Tropical Aquarium

3 Great Fish For Your Tropical Aquarium
by: Paul Curran

Lamp Eye, Madagascar Rainbow Fish and the Medaka are three fish suitable for your tropical aquarium. Find out about their behavior, what they look like, water conditions, how to feed them and how to breed them

Lamp Eye - Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus (Family: Cyprinodontidae)

As this fish rarely grows to more than 3 cms you need to assess your community aquarium to see if there are any of the others that lean towards the aggressive and might harm them. For their size these fishes eyes are bigger than you might expect and show as a greenish gold in low light; hence the common names, Lamp or Lantern eye.

As an active fish with a good leap, you must have a cover on the tank to stop them jumping out and the use of floating plants will help. For these fish to enjoy their stay, matured aquarium water is required at a temperature of between twenty three and twenty six degrees Celcius.

Shape wise, the fish has a long body, thinner at the front with a mouth that points upwards slightly. It has attractive fins on a gray green body which may have a dark line along the back with a spotted shiny thin band along the flank. The male's ventral and dorsal fins are more pointed than the female.

Breeding wise, eggs are either laid individually or in bunches that end up amongst the plants. Once laid it is best practice to remove the parents. The eggs will hatch in about a week and a half and you will have to be very careful with the fry as they are a bit delicate.

Madagascar Rainbow Fish - Bedotia geayi (Family: Atherinidae)

Keeping this fish in a shoal (not large) with water between 25 and 18 degrees centigrade will see them at their best in your community tank. It is an active swimmer and sturdy little fish that grows up to about 8 cms and likes to dwell in the top part of the aquarium. Although it has only come onto the scene a relatively short time ago this fish has become a favorite with aquarium lovers.

Body wise, it has a somewhat unique feature in that it has two dorsal fins, a short one and a long one. Color wise, the main color is olive green and there is a stripe along the sides of the fish from eye to tail. It is easy to feed as it it accepts most offerings so ideally give it a varied diet.

Breeding is easy for this species so you need to have thickly planted tank with hard water at a temperature of at least 26 degrees centigrade. Eggs laid will adhere to plants and the eggs themselves are quite big but you will have to wait a few days for completion as only a few eggs are laid per day. Bear in mind that due to the extended spawning period, fry will hatch and be at various stages of their development.

Medaka - Oryzias latipes (Family: Oryziatidae)

This fish is ideal for your tropical aquarium. It grows to about 5 cms, will consume most foods and can survive in a wide range of temperatures, although 20 to 24 degrees centigrade is the best for it. There are three other species of Oryzias that you may also come across under the name medaka but the Oryzias latipes is the main one.

With this fish there are no specific patterns on its mainly gold color. Its head is slimmer than you would normally expect and its body lengthier than usual. It is interesting to know that before breeding took place the original color was; well there wasn't one. It was transparent!

Males are somewhat smaller than females and have bigger fins. Breeding is relatively easy and the tank should be at the same temperature as the main tank, have floating plants and be thickly planted underwater with fine leaved plants. Until they have been fertilized, the eggs will stay attached to the end of the female.

It is best practice to take out all the plants with attached eggs from the tank to another one and after about two weeks the fry will emerge. Remove and feed on infusoria then fine dry food, then micro worms and other food for the more grown up fish.

So there you have it, three more excellent fish for your tropical aquarium collection.

About The Author
Paul Curran is webmaster at and provides a care information system for fresh water aquariums at

The author invites you to visit:

Disease In Fish

Disease In Fish
by: Gordon Bloomfield

Disease in fish

You have set up your perfect aquarium, it has beautiful fish and a great look, but then something goes wrong, maybe your fish start dying, maybe they are showing abnormal behaviour. Chances are your fish have caught a disease. But don’t panic! There are ways of treating it and making sure it is unlikely to happen again.

How does a fish get diseased?

In the aquarium and in your fish live many bacteria, viruses and life forms known as protozoan. Many of them are ‘good’ to have as they keep the balance just right. Even the life forms that cause the illness are present, but because of this balance they don’t cause problems. However when a fish becomes stressed, either due to sudden changes or an unbalance such as a large amount of pathogens being introduced, it is at much greater risk.

How can you prevent it?

Making sure the aquarium is clean and taking precautions to monitor the levels within the aquarium is essential. Also making sure the fish can carry out their natural behaviour, such as hiding, by providing the right environment will reduce stress. This also means making sure none of the fish are bullying each other or are being timid of other species in the tank. You should also be careful when introducing new members, making sure they are healthy specimens without disease. Even with such precautions, disease may still take hold from time to time.

The first signs

It is important that you learn to spot the signs early so that you can treat it quickly and prevent it from becoming a bigger problem. The behaviour of the fish may become notably different. Reluctance to feed, darting around in an alarmed state, no balance, rubbing or darting past objects, hiding more than usual, being shy, or unusual positioning in the aquarium are all early warning signs.

More physical signs include swollen or distended appearance, fins discoloured, eroded or clamped to the fish. The gills may change colour, look sore or move rapidly. Eyes may look swollen or cloudy and the mouth may look eroded, sore or ‘sticky’. You may notice that the fish has darkened or became paler or perhaps has spots or discoloured areas. You may even notice holes, ulcers, growths or sore areas on the body of the fish.

If you have noticed any of these signs you can now use the information below to determine what it is and how to treat it effectively.

Poor water quality or water poisoning

Symptoms: Fish gape at the surface, or hang by the surface. They have rapid gill movement and may lull onto their side. There may be patches of slime on the body or near the gills. Eyes may appear clouded and the colour of the fish may darken. The fish may also suddenly dart around before returning to the surface or losing balance. This may only show up in certain species depending on the cause

Causes: Poor water quality, meaning either high or low Ph levels, or high ammonia and nitrate levels. This could be caused by over stocking tanks with too many fish. It could also be due to chlorine or excess metals following a water change with untreated tap water. If certain species are showing it, it could be from excessive treatment of previous disease of which they were susceptible to an active ingredient, this applies to invertebrates especially. There also could be the possibility that a toxin has entered the water, household cleaner, sprays, room freshener and so on.

Care: Test the water for Ph and nitrate ammonia levels. Treat according to results. You should also perform a water change with pre-treated water (use a tap safe water treatment). Following that you should also try to work out the exact cause so to take precautions.

Swim Bladder

Symptoms: Unable to maintain balance, swimming upside down, on the side or being pushed to the surface. May also be unable to swim up and may hit the side of the tank and roll over. This is not accompanied by any other symptom.

Causes: A bacterial infection, or previous damage from a bacterial infection in the swimbladder. This means the fish cannot swim as normal and this in itself causes a lot of stress and if untreated, death.

Care: Treat with a preparation to treat swimbladder, be sure to follow the manufacturers advice. You can also use tonic salt in quantities of 5g per litre. This will help the fish right itself, although must be added over a few days to avoid shock.

Internal Bacterial Infection

Symptoms: Often the first sign is unexplained deaths as it has variable symptoms, which can at first indicate wrongly to other problems. These symptoms can include, fins appearing eroded or opaque, eyes becoming swollen, distended or a hollowing of the abdomen, holes or ulcers on the fish, the fish’s colour becoming darkened and the fish being unable to maintain balance. However any one of these symptoms can show with any other, sometimes they don’t at all.

Causes: An unbalance in the bacteria in the aquarium, as well as poor water quality. Will occur following stress by any factor and especially so if the fish has been wounded or fighting.

Care: Previously only veterinarian prescribed antibiotics have been effective, however you can now buy an internal bacteria solution to treat the water directly. You should also test the water for any unbalance and act accordingly.

Bacterial Gill disease

Symptoms: The fish will gaps and hang at the surface of the water and you may notice rapid gill movement, the gills will also look pale and in severe cases look eroded.

Causes: A bacterial infection usually at the onset of an internal bacterial infection. However this is localised to the gills for the time. An unbalance in the water quality and stress can cause this to happen.

Care: Like an internal bacterial infection you could only previously use veterinarian prescribed antibiotics. However swift treatment with an internal bacteria solution will remove the threat directly. You should also test the water for any unbalance and act accordingly.


Symptoms: Bulges that are white or cotton wool like growths, particularly on the head and sides.

Causes: An imbalance of the fungal spores naturally found in aquaria, usually after stress or damage to gill or mucus membrane.

Care: Use an anti fungus treatment for freshwater fish. Check that the water quality is okay and that there is nothing damaging your fish.

Fin Rot

Symptoms: Fins appear eroded, opaque and may have streaks of ‘blood’ running through them.

Causes: Unbalance of naturally present bacteria, usually after the fish has been stressed.

Care: It is important to treat this promptly before it reaches the base of the fin. Treat with an anti fungus and fin rot treatment and check water quality.

Mouth Rot

Symptoms: There may be some erosion on the head but more focused around the mouth, there may also be some cottonwool like growths around the mouth area.

Causes: Unbalance of naturally present bacteria, usually after the fish has been stressed.

Care: An anti fungus and Fin rot treatment should clear it up, follow with a water test. It is important to act quickly.

Slime Disease

Symptoms: Patches of slime accompanied by flicking and rubbing against objects, as well as cloudy eyes. You may also see the fish gaping or hanging near the surface and the gills may appear pale although this isn’t always seen.

Causes: Stress allows parasitical infection from parasites naturally present.

Care: Use an anti-slime and velvet treatment, test the water and remove any areas of stress.


Symptoms: The fish will have an abnormal peppering of golden spots and will rub against objects in the aquarium. The fish may have pale gills and gape at the surface, but this isn’t always seen.

Causes: Unbalance of naturally present parasites, usually after the fish has been stressed.

Care: use an anti-slime and velvet treatment, testing the water and removing any stress factors.

White Spot

Symptoms: There will be lots of abnormal white spots, about the size of a grain of sugar, accompanied by flicking and rubbing against objects in the aquarium. The fish may also gasp at the surface and have pale fins.

Causes: Unbalance of naturally present parasites, usually after the fish has been stressed.

Care: Use a white spot treatment preparation and lower the temperature of the aquarium by a few degrees for a week. Remove sources of stress.

Higher form parasite

Symptoms: The fish may gape and hang at the surface. It will have pale gills that may sometimes appear eroded. It will rub along solid objects and plants and may try to jump out of the water but most obvious is that it will have pale discs, worm like attachments or thread like discs on the body or gill area.

Causes: There are several causes, usually from infection from wild caught or infected stock. The offenders are mainly crustacean and have different appearances. Anchor worms are up to 20mm long and bury into the skin of the fish. Fish Lice are disc shaped parasites that feed on the mucus membrane, on skin or the fins. They can cause bacterial infection. Gill maggots are found attached to the gill area, as well as in the mouth and are called such because of the maggot like egg sack that is often seen. They can all cause death, but gill maggots even more so.

Care: Use an anti crustacean parasite treatment as soon as you notice any symptoms. Read the instructions carefully as they can have some side effects on the condition of your aquarium. If possible try to identify the source of your problem and deal with it appropriately.

About The Author
I am a pet retail business owner and internet marketing entrepreneur. Offering pet products and information, online money making opportunities. Automated income systems. New ebooks and marketing programmes for sale.

The author invites you to visit:

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

The Secrets To Successful Koi Carp Fish Care

The Secrets To Successful Koi Carp Fish Care
by: Michael C. Harris

Loved all over the world for their vibrant colors and long living, Koi carp fish are absolutely wonderful additions to an outdoor pond. They are exceptionally popular and populate millions of outdoor ponds. While today, most live to be around thirty years of age, Koi have been known to live well beyond two hundred years old, with the oldest ever having lived to be two hundred and twenty-six years of age. No doubt, Koi care can be an integral factor in the longevity of Koi fish.

Koi carp fish belong to the same species of fish as the common carp, with the Koi being considered the most domesticated. The Japanese are credited as the first breeders of the marvelous Koi fish and their efforts date to the 1820's. Koi are known for their variety of colors and attractive patterns which includes lively colors such as blue, green, red, orange, yellow, and silver. Of course, they can also be found in basic colors such as black and white. Their color is directly affected by their environment and the care that they receive. Proper Koi care requires a great deal of consistency and diligence.

Koi carp fish may behave differently in smaller versus larger ponds. This is something to be considered when planning and preparing for Koi care. Koi usually school when they are in smaller ponds, but will separate into smaller units when they are in a larger pond. Additionally, Koi are known to be very social with a number of other fish breeds, except in situations with much smaller fish that can fit into their mouths and be eaten. Remember, Koi are opportunistic feeders. Those that are planning to raise them should consider their social activity when making preparation for their pond.

Koi carp fish are best kept in ponds that are at least five hundred gallons, as they generally become large fish as they grow and age. As fish get bigger, they may outgrow your designated space. If you see that your Koi has the potential to exceed the allotted space, then you may need to designate a larger space, or trade them out for smaller fish. Take care to give the larger fish to someone that also has a passion for Koi fish. If you are into Koi, then you should make every effort to follow proper Koi treatment and care. Your close attention to your Koi can make your experience of Koi keeping very gratifying. Your Koi can be healthy with proper care, but that will depend heavily on the space designated for them, the water quality and temperature. Koi carp fish are not cheap fish and it can become very costly if you struggle with keeping them and have to replace them. Always remember that Koi fish are naturally used to cold water; thus, when keeping Koi, you should ensure that their environment is spacious and kept in the temperature range of 61 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

When it comes to Koi care, there are few major issues that can arise if owners don't administer the proper Koi treatment to ensure their Koi fish are well cared for. Koi can remain in an outdoor pond during the winter because they are cold-water fish. They actually do very well in the colder temperatures; however, for proper Koi keeping, Koi carp fish should be kept in an outdoor pond that is more than three feet deep. During the winter season, Koi go into a hibernation phase and experience a dramatic decrease in digestive functioning. At this time they will not be able to properly digest food. If you continue to provide food, Koi can get sick because the food is not digested and will spoil in their stomachs. Therefore, when taking care of feeding your Koi, make sure that all caregivers know not to feed the fish when it is fifty degrees Fahrenheit or below.

Koi carp fish add a liveliness and brilliance to outdoor ponds that people find both enjoyable and relaxing. The presence of Koi in an outside pond can make sure of a pleasant garden experience. Owners know and can appreciate how wonderful it is to have Koi carp fish as a part of their lives.

About The Author
Michael C. Harris specializes in Koi carp fish care. His successful Koi care secrets e-Book “Koi Fish School”, is an inspiring guide of easy follow techniques for every Koi enthusiast. Visit today. FREE 10 day mini course at

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Hand Feeding your Koi

Hand Feeding your Koi
by: Brett Fogle

One of the most rewarding and entertaining things about having a Koi pond is when your fish finally start eating out of your hand. There is no better way to learn each fishes' personality and temperament than to have them nuzzle your fingers when they are hungry.

The key to training your Koi to eat from your hand is patience and conditioning. Like any wild animal Koi have a natural distrust for anything that they think can hurt them, and you're plenty big enough to do that as far as they are concerned.

If your goal is hand feeding then you need to start training from the very first time that you feed a new fish. Of course, it's not too late to start training your existing fish, but it's easier if you start out that way.

If you have been feeding your fish by simply broadcasting the food on top of the water then stop doing that immediately. Instead, bring your feed bag next to the pond and kneel down. Then, place a few pellets in your hand, submerge your hand, and let the pellets slowly fall out.

Don't worry if your fish seem to not be paying attention. They know that your hand is in the water and they know that pellets just appeared out of nowhere.

Eventually one or two will swim up and eat. When that happens, the rest of them will follow. Continue slowly dropping pellets from your hand until you have fed your normal amount. Repeat that process for about a week.

The following week, set up as you did last week, but this time submerge your hand and hold the pellets in your slightly cupped palm. Hold your hand steady and don't make any movements. Eventually at least one fish should come over and eat from your hand. It is essential that you do not make any quick movements while this is happening. Remove your empty hand and repeat the process. If the fish will not approach your hand to feed, then do not feed them that day. They won't starve to death, believe me, and they will be a little bit more likely to eat form your hand the next time that you offer them food.

Once you have them to the point that they will eat form your palm, it is time to teach them to take the food directly from your finger tips. Simply grasp a pellet, submerge your hand, and wait until the boldest fish approaches. Once he eats the others will follow. If they don't you know what do to. Just feed the ones that will eat from your hand and let the others miss a meal. Hunger is a great motivator for Koi.

Once you have your Koi eating out of your hands you can alternate between normal feeding and hand feeding for those times when you're in a rush and just can't sit down and enjoy your fish.

To read the full article, click here:

About The Author

Brett Fogle is the owner of MacArthur Water Gardens and several pond-related websites including and He also publishes a free monthly newsletter called PondStuff! with a reader circulation of over 9,000 pond owners. To sign up for the free newsletter and receive a complimentary 'New Pond Owners Guide' for joining, just visit MacArthur Water Gardens at

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Optimizing AdSense™ by User Behaviour

Optimizing AdSense™ by User Behaviour
by: Laura Ciocan
If web surfers behaved all alike, if there were strict patterns in users' behaviour, wouldn't all publishers be on a sunny beach right now, with a fancy-colored cocktail, worring not about AdSense™ optimization matters?

Web user's behaviour depends on two main groups of variables: the user-related one and the website-related one.

A) User-related Behavior Variables

Though people react very differently at various stimuli, we can identify some peculiarities specific to web surfers. The behaviour is much like yours. Have you considered watching your own actions while surfing on the web? This might help if you want to improve your site's appeal to readers, especially if you sell something or if you want your visitors to click on your ads.

Several groups of variables that influence users' behaviour can be identified:

* Components of the mental processes involved while searching and browsing on the Internet: attention, awareness, language, mental imagery etc.
* The behavior of websurfers is influenced also by their subjective approach to matters, determined by temperamental characteristics, such as mood, patience and their purpose and degree of interest.
* Also, users act differently varying with how used they are to web surfing.

Let's see how we can tweak our websites to turn these to our advantage (and turn visitors into “clickers”):

1. Mental processes

Attention - The web designer keeps the tools to direct readers' attention. A simple design, without unnecessary loading will prevent the reader from being distracted by unimportant elements. The ads placement must be done strategically, in a place impossible to overlook (recommended in the first paragraph, usually in the upper-left area). Pictures and graphics are considered attention-grabbers and will also be considered when choosing your ads' placement.

Awareness - This is a very debated topic. Opinions differ on readers' ads awareness. Some sustain that the more blended into content, the better, others say that this formatting will induce the readers the feeling of being “tricked” into clicking on ads, which they resent. I incline to say that blend-in ads work only for very well targeted ads, coming naturally as if belonging to the content. Positioning ads outside the content area would be effective mostly with advertising that builds brand awareness, based on image impressions.

Mental Imagery - Again, a pleasant, uncluttered design, a balanced look of the page contribute to a positive perception of the page from the part of the reader and to a more open state of mind. A professional layout is important. It inspires confidence, people don't want to purchase from a just any backyard business.

2. Subjectiveness

Patience - A golden rule: don't abuse your readers' patience (for they usually don't have one)! Web pages must load quickly, ads must not be placed in readers' way and should be kept to a reasonable number.

Purpose and Mood - Are more related to the topic of your site and the type of content you publish. The idea is that users' purpose and mood can be influenced by copy.

Degree of Interest - Besides relevant, good content, that answers questions, the reader's interest is influenced by involvement and interaction. Keep your reader involved, integrate your ads into an interaction environment: these will work wonders on your CTR.

3. User's Degree of Acquaintace with Web Surfing

Net savvy users have developed certain immunities, such as ad-blindness. These are less likely to click on any ads. Customizing ads for this type of readers means harder work; the result must be ads of high relevance (and remarkable ad texts!), with an aspect as close to the rest of the page as possible, as if they were a natural continuation of your ideas. Important! avoid default formats.

B) Site-related Variables

The type of the site and the topic attract visitors with different interests with different behavioral patterns.

1. Site Type — Readers vs Browsers

Whether the visitor is a “reader” or a “scanner/browser” depends also on the site type — content and topic. Generally, readers are regular visitors while “scanners” are the ones who look for information and will not spend too much time on the same site. Site topic and content are most times factors in bringing more “uniques” or more regular visitors. Though not as a rule, these apply to many sites:

Sites Attracting Unique Visitors - These are mostly commercial sites, content sites. Statistics say that unique visitors are more likely to be your clickers, for regular readers are more used to your pages' look and your ads. Contextual advertising works well with these sites. If you're headed for unique visitors, make your site “SE-friendly”. They come mostly from search engines and are said to be “pre-qualified” clickers. So, your efforts should be directed towards keywords and keyword phrases optimization. The ideal would be to go beyond the technicalities, that is finding out what are the most searched for keywords in your area of preoccupations and try to find out why these are popular, try to find a behavioral pattern. This can be achieved by statistics and analysis. Find out some niches in your area and the users' behaviour within them — that is, lists of searches and then see what is it customers want. This will solve your puzzle and give you exact hints towards what works best for your site. Keep in mind: unique visitors are mostly "browsers". Use ad placement and ad customization techniques that apply best for this type of users.

Sites with Regular Visitors - These are mostly forums, blogs and news sections (though news are somewhere in between). If you own sites with many bookmarks, that attract especially repeat visitors, then either you will be very imaginative in customizing your ads and finding new ways to interest your readers into clicking or if not the case, better use CPM based advertising. Brand bulding/reinforcement advertising works better in this case.

2. Site Theme Relates to Visitor's Mood and Purpose

Commercial Sites - Sites selling and promoting products are more suitable for CPC advertising. By their specific, this type of site will attract visitors looking for a specific product/service/business opportunity. Thus, users are more in a buying mood, are looking for a way to spend their money profitably. These are clickers.

Content Sites, Blogs, Forums - Unless you market specific products, your readers will land on your page without the express purpose of buying something. However, you can influence your reader's mood and needs thru witty, sales-directed copywriting. You just need to know some basic things that sell. One is that people are more likely to buy from persons they know, like and trust.

So, what will help you build these? Good content and structure. Especially with content sites, these are fundamental issues to focus on (unlike commercial sites that focus more on products). Good content, profesionally written and formatted for the web, containing information that is of high interest and relevance for the reader, within an easily manageable structure and good targeting on a specific theme are imperatives. On one hand these mean bulding confidence, the first step in selling. On the other hand they will attract well-targeted ads, more likely to interest your reader.

Great content will give you credit to your reader. Once you've gained trust, it's easy to direct your readers: you just give recommendations and the results will appear. (Avoid being too explicit in recommendations, though — for example, directing readers towards clicking on ads is against AdSense™ Program Policies.)

With blogs and forums, it is a different story. Not all forums and blogs are accepted for AdSense™ (or even if accepted, they must be also profitable). Only genuine, specifically-themed blogs and forums, with highly interesting content are suitable. These conditions being fulfilled, forums and blogs are perfect as a source of advertising money — they have what is very difficult for others to achieve: reader's trust, liking and involvement.

About the author:
Laura Ciocan writes for http://www.adsensehowtos.comwhere you can find how to guides and practical advice on Google Adsense.

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Pasar Murah Ikan Laut di Tujuh Lokasi

Pasar Murah Ikan Laut di Tujuh Lokasi

KEMENTERIAN Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) berencana menggelar pasar murah produk ikan segar maupun ikan olahan di tujuh lokasi. Produk yang akan dijual di antaranya adalah produk perikanan olahan, ikan segar, dan ikan hidup.

Lokasi yang bakal menjadi tempat pasar murah ikan adalah halaman Gedung Sate Bandung, yang digelar pada 24-25 Agustus, halaman Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bogor (20, 27 Agustus sampai 3 September 2010), Alun-alun Kota Serang, Banten (24 Agustus). Lalu di Gedung Minang Surabaya (1-2 September), PT Kelola Mina Laut, Gresik (28 Agustus-8 September), halaman Kantor Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah (25-26 Agustus). Sedangkan pasar murah ikan di Jakarta akan berlangsung di halaman kantor KKP pada 2 September mendatang.

Di pasar itu, ikan bakal dijual Iebih murah antara 10%-50% dari harga di pasar biasa. "Sekarang daging sapi mahal maka kami menyediakan ikan yang kandungan protein dan gizinya lebih banyak," kata Fadel Muhammad, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan di Jakarta, Rabu (18/8).

Fadel juga meminta seluruh pelabuhan perikanan yang ada di seluruh Indonesia menggelar pasar murah ikan. Menurut dia, pasar murah tersebut setidaknya akan membantu kalangan masyarakat tidak mampu mendapatkan sumber protein dari ikan.

Sumber: Harian Kontan, 19 Agustus 2010 h.15

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

SBY Dukung Pengembangan Minapolitan

SBY Dukung Pengembangan Minapolitan

JAKARTA- Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) mendukung pengembangan kawasan berkonsep minapolitan guna mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi di sektor kelautan dan perikanan.

Konsep minapolitan yang diusung Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad memfokuskan pengembangan sektor kelautan dan perikanan dari hulu ke hilir dalam sebuah kawasan..

"Pertumbuhan di sektor kelautan dan perikanan bisa digerakkan melalui konsep minapolitan," kata SBY pada pembacaan Nota Keuangan Tahun 2010 dalam sidang paripurna DPR di Jakarta, Senin (16/8).

Pemerintah juga akan mengalokasikan anggaran Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) tahun 2011 Rp 4,7 triliun, naik dari tahun ini Rp 3,1 triliun. Lewat alokasi anggaran yang kian meningkat itu, kata SBY, pengembangan sektor kelautan dan petikan diharapkan lebih berkualitas.

"Kelautan dan Perikanan berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Karena itu, sektor ini juga menjadi mendapat perhatian pemerintah," kata Yudhoyono.

Sementara itu, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad mengatakan, pengembangan kawasan berkonsep minapolitan memfokuskan perhatian pada aspek wilayah. Di sebuah wilayah bisa dikembangkan sebuah industri kelautan dan perikanan dari hulu hingga hilir.

"Misalnya, di kawasan palabuhan Ratu ada industri hulu berupa budidaya kerapu, sekaligus di sana berdiri pabrik untuk pengolahannya sebagai bagian dari industri hilirnya. Konsep minapolitan itu menyatu baik menyangkut wilayah maupun teknologinya," kata Fadel.

Pendekatan dalam konsep minapolitan, kata Fadel, menganut prinsip integrasi, efisiensi, kualitas, dan akselerasi.

Mengingat pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berada di daerah, kata Fadel, pemerintah mensyaratkan enam hal pokok antara lain, adanya rencana strategis (rentra) dan .alokasi APBD dan tata ruang.

Selain itu, terdapat komoditas unggulan seperti udang, patin, lele, tuna, dan rumput laut Letak geografis yang strategis dan secara alamiah cocok untuk usaha perikanan.

Sistem mata rantai produksi hulu dan hilir seperti lahan budidaya dan pelabuhan perikanan. Tersedia fasilitas pendukung seperti keberadaan sarana dan prasarana seperti jalan, pengairan serta listrik.

Menurut Fadel, jika persyaratan tersebut dipenuhi pengembangan minapolitan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan atau masyarakat nelayan di pesisir. Qjr)

Sumber : Investor Daily 18 Agustus 2010,hal.30

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Sell Your Product Online

Sell Your Product Online
by: Marsh Uele
Copyright 2005 Marsh Uele

In today's business world, if you're not selling your product online, you're losing sales. If you have a product, make money online by selling online. There are simple ways to make money online.

Make sure your site is professional and easily navigable if you want to make money online. If you have a lot of product, a search feature is a necessity in order for you to make money online. If you have only one or two products, you can use a payment method such as PayPal to make money online. However, if you showcase more product in order to make money online, you'll want to open a merchant account to handle credit card payments. Some merchant accounts will also offer free features, all helping you to make money online. To keep from violating credit card rules, make sure that for Internet sales, you have an Internet account.

Consider paying affiliates to help you make money online. Affiliates are online "word of mouth" referrals and can increase the amount of money you make online. They link to your site from theirs, and all of their traffic becomes your traffic, increasing the likelihood of making money online. When it comes to making money online, affiliate marketing is a no-lose for the merchant, because commission is paid only on sales.

Consider making money online by selling your product through an eBay storefront. Bidding on items has become a hot way to make money online. Having your own storefront ensures that buyers can find you easily because your product is in one place. Through your storefront, you can make reports, track traffic and sales, and receive advertising through eBay. You can try a storefront for 30 days free, making it an attractive offer to make money online.

About the author:
Marsh Uele is the editor of http://www.homebizsucces.comEverything you need to make money online from home including opportunities, tips, ideas and resources visit

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Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


by: ellen mc nulty
Becoming a seller on ebay can be daunting. Becoming a travel seller can be impossible, unless you know the secrets. My tips on selling on eBay can apply to all categories of items, but some steps are unique to selling travel.

The travel industry is highly regulated on EBay, as it should be. High standards keep out disreputable sellers and scam artists, and adds to your own company’s trustworthiness when you are approved by eBay..

1. Before you are even thinking about selling travel on eBay, it is important to get a username and email address just for eBay. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes. Register as a seller and you can use the same username to buy as well. Choose a name that reflects what you sell i.e., “Bermudabound” rather than “sexyblueeyes”. Other eBay members will come to recognize you by your User ID, so it's a good idea to choose one you'll want to use for the long term.

2. Your eBay name has sunglasses (i.e., read “shady character”) for the first 30 days, so don’t try to sell anything while you are wearing shades. Use this time to buy on eBay and learn good practices from other sellers.

3. Set up a PayPal account. EBay buyers feel more confident purchasing something from a seller who accepts PayPal. According to PayPal, “Listings that offer PayPal are 6% more likely to sell and experience a 5% average increase in final price.” Go to www. Get a business account. Registration is free.

4. In the first 30 days, buy small items on EBay, pay for them promptly. I have always found eBay sellers to offer good values, provided that you check their feedback listing first.

5. Pay your seller promptly, because then you will always get positive feedback from your seller. Your feedback profile is the most important aspect of your reputation at eBay. Feedback is extremely important on eBay, as your future buyers can evaluate you at a glance. Even one strike against you counts heavily. Your feedback score also helps later with qualifying to run banner ads on eBay, and to have eBay pay some of your advertising costs.

6. Create your “About Me” page on eBay. Use this page to tell other eBay users about yourself and your interests, your experience and your products.

7. While you are waiting the 30 days, also become a) ID verified and b)square trade approved. a) Get ID Verified through eBay as an extra sign of security for buyers. When a member gets ID Verified, a third-party company working with eBay confirms the member's identity by cross checking their contact information across consumer and business databases. You'll see the ID Verify icon in verified members' profiles.

B) The Square Trade Seal is one way for sellers to show bidders that they are committed to high selling standards and have had their identity verified by a third party. You will need a credit card and your IATA, ARC, or seller of travel number. Both are requirements for selling travel, and you must place these numbers as the first lines of your ads on EBay. All members listing airline tickets, cruises, vacation packages, or lodging must be participants in the Seller Verify by SquareTrade Program. This program combines verification of sellers with ongoing monitoring. For instructions on this, go to

8. When you are ready to list your items at auction, sell small stuff first, building customers and credibility. Sell all items with no reserve, at the lowest price you can afford to accept, and fill all orders promptly.

9. Choose carefully what you will sell. You cannot sell some travel certificates, and all listing must list the exceptions, blackout dates, and extra taxes and shipping charges. Travel agents, and other businesses selling travel services are regulated in eBay. According to the eBay rules for selling travel, “Businesses and individuals who sell and/or arrange air or sea travel or accommodations (but do not directly provide the travel service themselves) may list air and ship related travel items (i.e. airplane tickets and cruise trips), along with accommodations, on eBay only if they are licensed as sellers of travel lawfully able to do business in all 50 states and they themselves will be booking the travel for the winning bidder. Their listings should clearly set out their California seller of travel license number as well as any other license information required in other states. It is against eBay policy for travel clearinghouse affiliates, that are not actual agents booking the travel themselves, to list travel auctions on the site. Sellers are required to include the following disclaimer in all listings for travel exactly as it appears below and in a text size and color that can easily be seen and read by all bidders:

"By listing this auction I verify that I am the actual travel agent or travel provider and not a third party affiliate. The travel/accommodations in this auction will be booked directly through me and not an outside agency. I also verify that, other than the government taxes and related government fees stated within the listing description itself, there will be absolutely no additional fees, charges or after auction purchases associated with booking the travel within this listing."

For travel services other than air or sea travel, businesses and individuals may offer gift certificates or coupons that are issued by a specific provider of travel, such as a gift certificate to a particular hotel. They may not, however, offer travel club memberships or "choice travel" certificates.”

10. Build a store. EBay stores are free for the first 30 days. Afterwards, they are $9.95 a month. According to eBay, Store sellers see on average a 25% incremental increase in sales the 3 months after opening their Store.” Here is where you can list all those other items that are higher priced, but good value at a low listing fee - at about 02 cents, rather than $4.80 for an item over $500. Auction and Fixed Price listings appear in your eBay Store as well as in eBay Search and Listings. The store allows your buyers to peruse your other items in addition to your auction items. Go to:

For examples of travel stores on eBay, take a look at:

About the author:
Ellen Mc Nulty is President of Lynott Tours, specialists in travel to Ireland and Britain. Ellen assists retail travel agents in listing their wares on EBay. Lynott Tours has been selling travel for 35 years, and can be found on the Internet at

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Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Sumber Protein Hewani Asal Ikan di Daerah Pegunungan Papua Sangat Terbatas

Sumber Protein Hewani Asal Ikan di Daerah Pegunungan Papua Sangat Terbatas

“Keluhan masyarakat Dari Hasil Turkam 2010 : Harga ikan bisa mencapai Rp.40.000-50.000/Kg. Kepala Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan : Bisa diMinimalisir dangan Pendekatan Budidaya Ikan dan Pertimbangan Alokasi APBD Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan”.

Dalam rangka mendukung dan menjamin kelangsungan kegiatan budidaya ikan yang sudah ada dan akan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat pada masa yang akan datang, maka program utama Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan selanjutnya adalah mengembangkan Unit Pembenihan Rakyat (UPR) di tingkat Distrik atau Kampung sehingga kebutuhan bibit ikan lebih dekat dengan pembudiddaya ikan.

Laporan : Kepala Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan (Ir. Astiler Maharadja)

Selama mengikuti Program TURKAM (Turun Kampung) Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur ke kampung-kampung ternyata banyak pengalaman yang dapat dipetik dalam rangka penyusunan program dan kegiatan khususnya di kabupaten-kabupaten pedalaman/pegunungan. Pengalaman ini sangat berharga dan hanya melalui program ini kita dapat lebih mengenal dari dekat kondisi daerah di kabupaten pegunungan. Persoalannya terletak pada keterbatasan transportasi dan jangkauan transportasi sampai ke distrik-distrik.

Melalui Program TURKAM kita banyak mendapat informasi dari Kepala-Kepala Kampung atau Kepala Distrik tentang hal-hal yang dapat dikembangkan oleh masing-masing Instansi atau Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD).

Mungkin banyak orang bertanya-tanya dalam hati mengapa Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Papua ikut TURKAM ke daerah pegunungan.? pada hal laut di daerah pengunungan tidak ada, yang ada hanya sungai, danau atau rawa. Ada pertimbangan lain yang menjadi dasar keikut sertaan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan.

Sebagaimana kita ketahui hampir 60 % penduduk Provinsi Papua bermukim di daerah pegunungan. Sumber protein hewani asal ikan sangat terbatas, karena daerah pegunungan tidak memiliki laut, dipihak lain distribusi ikan dari daerah pesisir ke pegunungan juga tidak terjangkau sebab kapasitas angkut pesawat terbatas serta tingginya biaya angkut. Biaya angkut per kilogram barang dengan pesawat berkisar antara Rp. 29.000 - Rp. 33.000.-. Dengan demikian harga ikan per kg bisa mencapai Rp. 40.000.-. Harga yang sangat fantastis dan sulit dijangkau oleh masyarakat luas di daerah pedalaman.

Tuhan memang adil, dimana didaerah pegunungan tersedia air, sebagai media utama pemeliharaan ikan. Dengan dorongan kegiatan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Papua dalam tiga tahun terakhir didukung oleh dana RESPEK, ternyata minat masyarakat untuk memelihara ikan cukup tinggi. Melalui pengembangan budidaya ikan air tawar didaerah pegunungan akan mendekatkan sumber protein hewani asal ikan kepada masyarakat dan tidak perlu menangisi harga yang tinggi tersebut. Diharapkan dalam dua atau tiga tahun mendatang, produksi budidaya ikan air tawar akan meningkat dengan tajam. Faktor-faktor pendukung peningkatan produksi tersebut antara lain : minat masyarakat yang tinggi didukung oleh dana RESPEK, dana APBD Provinsi, Dana Alokasi Khusus dan Tugas Pembantuan dari Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. Hasil pemantuan di lapangan ternyata semua kabupaten pemekaran telah mendapat kucuran Dana Alokasi Khusus dan Tugas Pembantuan dari Pusat.

Sehubungan dengan kondisi lapangan, satu hal yang menjadi perhatian adalah jenis ikan yang dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat akan lebih baik jika divariasikan dengan jenis ikan Nila dan ikan Mas dengan ikan Lele dan ikan Grass carp (sejenis ikan Mas). Ikan lele tahan dengan kondisi air yang keruh sedangkan ikan Grass carp dapat memakan rumput atau daun ubi-ubian yang tersedia banyak di daerah pegunungan.

Dalam rangka mendukung dan menjamin kelangsungan kegiatan budidaya ikan yang sudah dan akan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat pada masa yang akan datang, maka program utama selanjutnya adalah mengembangkan Unit Pembenihan Rakyat (UPR) di tingkat Distrik atau Kampung sehingga kebutuhan bibit ikan lebih dekat dengan pembudiddaya ikan.
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Induk-Induk Unggul kepada UPR, maka Balai Benih Ikan (BBI) Lokal di beberapa kabupaten dikembangkan untuk mensuplay induk-induk unggul kepada UPR-UPR. Hal ini mengandung pengertian bahwa SDM harus ditingkatkan jumlah dan mutu serta ketrampilannya, fasilitas pendukung BBI dan lain sebagainya. Mungkinkah pada tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2012 daerah daerah pegunungan dibanjiri oleh ikan air tawar sebagai sumber protein hewani untuk meningkatkan status gizi masyarakat? Mari kita cermati alokasi APBD Dinas Kelauatan dan Perikanan Provinsi Papua pada tahun-tahun mendatang.***

Sumber : Agus Rahmawan, S.ST.Pi Papua

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Menuju Produsen Rumput Laut Terbesar di Dunia

Menuju Produsen Rumput Laut Terbesar di Dunia

BUDIDAYA rumput laut merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang dapat ditekuni dengan mudah dan mempunyai prospek bagus. Potensi lahan untuk pengembangan juga membentang di banyak wilayah pantai Indonesia.

Permintaan pasarnya untuk produk ini cukup besar, tidak saja untuk dikonsumsi dan dibuat produk makanan, tetapi juga sebagai bahan baku obat dan produk kosmetika.

Melihat potensi yang sungguh besar ini, Fadel Muhammad sejak diangkat sebagai Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan berambisi menjadikan Indonesia sebagai produsen rumput laut terbesar di dunia dengan kapasitas produksi yang mencapai 10 juta ton per tahun.

"Kami sedang mendorong produksi rumput laut secara besar-besaran agar Indonesia menjadi produsen rumput laut terbesar di dunia," kata Fadel Muhammad

Ia mengemukakan target produksi sebesar 10 juta ton per tahun tersebut harus mulai terealisasi pada 2015.

"Namun kami yakin, dua tahun ke depan, realisasi target itu sudah mulai terlihat dengan banyaknya lahan budi daya rumput laut di Indonesia bagian timur, seperti NTT, NTB, Maluku, dan Maluku Utara," katan-a.

Tidak hanya pada sisi produksi, menurut Fadel, dalam kurun waktu dua tahun ke depan, akan banyak pabrik-pabrik pengolahan rumput laut.

"Sehingga nantinya yang diekspor bukan hanya rumput laut basah atau kering, tapi juga produk olahannya," katanya menambahkan.

KKP tengah menyiapkan setidaknya sekitar 60 cluster rumput laut. Sedangkan fokus utama untuk tahun ini sebanyak 12 cluster yang tersebar di Bagka Belitung, Sumenep Jawa Timur, Gorontalo, Pangkep Sulawesi Selatan, Dompu Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Kabupeten Serang Banten, Kepulauan Riau, Minahasa Utara, Parigi Moutang, Sulawesi Tengah, Polewalimandar, Sulawesi Barat, dan Bau Bau Sulawesi Tenggara.

Selain itu, KKP juga akan membatasi ekspor rumput laut dalam bentuk gelondongan (dried seaweed) pada 2012 guna mendorong tumbuhnya industri pengolahan dalam negeri. Hingga kini di Indonesia sudah ada 23 perusahaan rumput laut, baik dalam bentuk produk utama maupun produk olahan

Menurut Dirjen Perikanan Budidaya, Made L Nurdjana, dalam rangka merealisasikan target produksi rumput laut, KKP akan menempuh dua langkah. Pertama, ekstensifikasi atau memperluas atau menambah unit usaha budi da*a. Kedua, intensifikasi atau peningkatan jumlah produksi melalui penambahan jumlah setiap unit usaha budi daya untuk pengembangan rumput laut. Potensi lahan di teluk maupun perairan pantai Indonesia masih sangatluas. Saat ini lahan untuk rumput laut di data seluas 4,5 juta hektare.

Hingga tahun 2008, sebanyak 15 persen rumput laut yang diekspor dalam bentuk olahan oleh mdonesia, sementara sisanya diekspor dalam bentuk gelondongan.

KKP meniapkan tiga opsi kebijakan tentang pengembangan pengolahan rumput laut. Pertama, eksportir rumput laut gelondongan harus terdaftar dan wajib memiliki pabrik pengolahan di dalam negeri. Kedua, pemerintah membatasiekspor rumput laut gelondongan. Ketiga, memberikan wewenang kepada koperasi untuk melakukan ekspor rumput laut.

Pada 2009 produksi rumput laut mencapai 2.574.000 ton, meningkat tajam dibandingkan pada 2005 yang hanya 910.636 ton.

Saat ini kontribusi rumput laut terhadap total produksi kelautan dan perikanan sebesar 8,9 persen. KKP menargetkan kontribusi rumput laut mencapai 27 persen pada 2015.

Untuk mencapai target tersebut KKP juga melalukan pe-nerapan inovasi dalam pengembangan budi daya rumput laut ini. Saat ini sedang diupayakan pengembangan inovasi pengembangan rumput laut di Indonesia dengan model budi daya modulan yakni percepatan hasil panen dengan masa waktu sekitar 30 hari sampai 45 hari. "Kuncinya tercapai target itu sebenarnya ada di daerah, yakni perlun\-a pengembangan suatu kawasan dari hulu ke hilir untuk pengembangan budi daya rumput laut agar tercapai efisiensi target. Dan sekarang ini sudah dilakukan," jelas Made.

Yang menjadi catatan besar pemerintah sebenarnya adalah perlu adanya pemanfatan atau nilai tambah dari produksi rumput laut ini, industri hilir dari produk ini belum bisa terbangun dengan dengan baik.

Meskipun prospek bisnis rumput laut menjanjikan, namun pengembangan industri ini masih terganjal oleh ketidakpercayaan perbankan, sehingga investor sulit memperoleh modal.

Wakil Menteri Perindustrian Alex SW Retraubun, dalam suatu kesempatan mengatakan, untuk mengembangkan industri turunan rumput lalut yang terintegrasi secara lengkap, setidaknya dibutuhkan investasi hingga Rp694 miliar dengan kemampuan produksi sekitar 30.000 ton per tahun dan 111.000 tenaga kerja baru.

"Jika terdapat industri hilir, ekspor bahan baku mentah rumput laut bisa berkurang secara signifikan. Saat ini, dari total produksi per tahun 2,5 juta ton, sekitar 85 persen diekspor. Kita akan pangkas ekspor bahan baku menjadi hanya 25 persen," katanya.

Menurutn\-a, industri pengolahan rumput laut merupakan salah satu sektor strategis yang belum tergarap secara optimal layaknya pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit [crude palrn oil/CPO), kakao, dan tembakau. Jika dikembangkan secara serius, Alex menilai industri pengolahan rumput laut bisa bersaing sejajar dengan komoditas lain.*

Sumber : Jurnal Nasional 07 Agustus 2010,hal.9

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Target Lima Komoditas dari Laut

Target Lima Komoditas dari Laut

PEMERINTAH menargetkan produksi lima komoditas perikanan budi daya, yakni rumput laut, lele, patin, bandeng, dan kerapu mampu menjadi yang terbesar di dunia pada 2014.

Dirjen Perikanan Budi Daya Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Made L Nurjana mengatakan, komoditas tersebui sangat berpeluang untuk ditingkatkan mengingat potensi lahan yang tersedia sangat besar.

Selain itu. tambahnya, teknologi budi dava mudah dan sudah dikuasai masyarakat serta permintaan di pasar ang cukup besar.

"Melihat kondisi tersebut jelas ini merupakan peluang untuk menjadi produsen rumput laut, lele, patin, bandeng, dan kerapu nomor satu di dunia," katarrva.

Menurut dia. untuk mencapai target produksi tersebut akan dilakukan dengan dua program yakni ekstensifikasi atau memperluas dan atau me-nambah unit usaha budi daya.

Selain itu yakni melalui intensifikasi atau peningkatan jumlah produksi melalui penambahan jumlah setiap unit usaha budi da\ a.

Made mengungkapkan untuk komoditas rumput laut pada 2014 ditargetkan mencapai 10 juta ton atau naik 363 persen dari 2009 yang nanya 2,6 juta ton.

Dikatakannya, untuk pengembangan rumput laut tersebut didukung potensi lahan di teluk dan perairan pantai Indonesia yang masih sangat luas yakni 4,5 juta ha.

"Padahal untuk mencapai produksi 10 juta ton tersebut han\ a diperlukan lahan seluas 100 ribu ha, katanya.

Sedangkan lele pada 2014 ditargetkan mampu diproduksi sebanyak 900 ribu ton atau meningkat 450 persen dari produksi 2009 sebanyak 200 ribu ton.

Tada tahun ini lele akan dikembangkan di seluruh Indonesia. katanya.

Begitu juga dengan pro-duksi ikan patin selama lima tahun mendatang diproyeksikan naik dari 132.600 ton pada 2009 menjadi 1,88 juta ton atau 1.420 persen.

Seperti halnya rumput laut, tambahnya, lahan untuk pengembangan budi daya patin juga masih sangat potensial di Indonesia terutama di perairan umum seperti danau, waduk maupun sungai atau air yang mengalir.

"Budi daya ikan patin juga bisa dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan lahan-lahan tidur seperti di Jambi dan Sumatera Selatan sehingga tidak mengganggu sektor pertanian," katanya.

Selain itu, menurut Made, harga ikan patin lebih murah yakni separuh dari daging ayam sehingga akan terjangkau bagi masyarakat bawah yang ingin mengonsumsi protein hewani.

Made juga menambahkan, untuk produksi bandeng ditargetkan naik 240 persen yakni dari 291.300 ton tahun lalu menjadi 700.000 ton pada

2014 sementara ikan kerapu diharapkan meningkat dari 5.300 ton menjadi 20.000 ton selama lima tahun mendatang.

Dia mengakui, untuk bandeng saat ini produsen yang terbesar di dunia masih dipegang Filipina, namun negara tersebut masih mengimpor ne-ner atau benih bandeng dari Indonesia mencapai 400 juta ekor per tahun.

Begitu juga untuk kerapu saat ini negara produsen di dunia yakni Malaria dan Vietnam, namun keduanya mendatangkan benih dari Indonesia.

"Oleh karena itu kita optimistis mampu menjadi produsen bandeng dan kerapu terbesar di dunia," katanya.

Menyinggung investasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan perikanan budi daya tersebut Made mengatakan, pada 2010 sekitar RpS.O triliun dan pada 2014 mencapai Rpl2.68 triliun atau rata-rata meningkat 20 persen per tahun.Yogyo Susaptoyono

Sumber : Jurnal Nasional 07 Agustus 2010,hal.9

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Presiden Banda Jadi Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus

Presiden Banda Jadi Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus

[AMBON] Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) meminta agar Pulau Banda kembali ditata khususnya infrastruktur pariwisatanya. Bahkan yang perlu diperhatikan dari Banda adalah mengutamakan warisan budaya dan wisata alam. Karena ini akan memberikan kontribusi perekonomian bagi Banda.

Hal ini dikatakan Presiden SBY dalam teleconference yang dilakukan bersama masyarakat Banda di kediaman Gubernuran Mangga Dua, Selasa (2/8) semalam.

Berbagai permintaan masyarakat Banda langsung diungkapkan untuk dipenuhi oleh Presiden. Hal ini untuk mengobati kekecewaan masyarakat Banda akibat SBY tidak dapatberkunjung ke Banda.

Dalam teleconference itu Presiden juga memerintahkan Menteri Perhubungan Freddy Numberi untuk memperhatikan kapal-kapal milik PT Pelni agar benar-benar bisa dila-yari seminggu sekali ke Banda. Sedangkan angkutan udara dia minta agar dikaji dengan cepat, berapa yang bisa dipenuhi. Hal ini seiring denagn pengembangan wisata sejarah yang akan datang.

Untuk kepentingan kapal cepat katanya, juga akan dikaji untuk segera dipenuhi.

Presiden juga menjanjikan pembangunan laboratorium kultivasi untuk Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan Hatta Syahrir ."Saya titipkan tempat penampungan ikan agar segera di-adakan agar produksi ikan tidak cepat basi. Coolstor sdh a-da. Jika saya datang lagi sudah harus ada. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan telah merancang pembangunannya dalam waktu dekat," katanya.

Banda harus dijadikan kawasan* ekonomi khusus, perikanan, kelautan, transportasi, wisata alam, meskipun tidak dalam arti zone economy. SBY juga meminta Rumah Sehat Tipe D segera dibangun untuk memberikan perawatan. Termasuk Pompa bensin juga jadi prioritas.

Februari 2011 yang akan datang Presiden berencana berkunjung kembali ke Banda dan dia meminta semua yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan Banda telah terpenuhi. [156/J-9]

Sumber : Suara Pembaharuan 4 Agustus 2010,hal.14

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Bank diminta bantu nelayan

Bank diminta bantu nelayan

JAKARTA Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM meminta perbankan penyalur kredit usaha rakyat (KUR) tetap memberi perhatian dengan melayani calon debitur yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan penangkap ikan.

Deputi Bidang Restrukturisasi dan Pengembangan Usaha Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, Choirul Djamhari, menjelaskan selama ini perbankan masih enggan menyalurkan KUR ke sektor nelayan penangkap ikan, karena risiko macet memang masih tinggi.

"Agar KUR bisa dinikmati pelaku koperasi dan usaha mikro, kecil menengah (KUMKM), khususnya sektor mikro penangkap ikan, kami minta perbankan tetap memberi perhatian kepada mereka," ujarnya kemarin.

Choirul menambahkan pemerintah tengah menginislasi agar perbankan segera melahirkan skema kredit yang tepat, is/sn/s/mgm)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia 03 Agustus 2010,hal.M5

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Ambon gelar makan bareng

Ambon gelar makan bareng

AMBON Warga Ambon dan sekitarnya menggelar acara Makan Patita Nasional yang melibatkan ribuan warga dari puluhan desa dan menampilkan ratusan jenis makanan.

Acara yang digelar di Jalan Said Perintai, Ambon, dalam tenda yang panjangnya lebih dari 300 meter dibuka pukul 14.00 kemarin oleh Menko Kesra Agung Laksono. Hadir juga dalam acara itu Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhamad.

Acara dibuka dengan tarian yang menggambarkan persatuan masyarakat Maluku. Para wanita dari tiap-tiap kelurahan tampak sibuk mempersiapkan makanan khasnya. Makanan yang tampak paling populer adalah pisang rebus, ubi rebus, singkong, serta ketu-pat. Di samping itu ada berbagai ragam masakan dari bahan ikan.

Terdapat ratusan jenis masakan yang disajikan. Misalnya, ada berbagai jenis masakan ikan momar dari Kelurahan Batu Gajah. Terlihat ikan momar asam santan manis, ada ikan momar goreng lada manis, dan sebagainya. (B/SN/S/SWI)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia 02 Agustus 2010,hal.8

Bimantara budidayakan kerapu

Bimantara budidayakan kerapu

PAINAN, Pesisir Selatan Kelompok bisnis Bimantara Citra menanamkan modal miliaran rupiah untuk menggarap kawasan Laut Mandeh, pesisir barat Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan (Pessel), Sumatra Barat, dengan usaha budi daya ikan kerapu kualitas ekspor dengan pola jaring apung.

"Jenis ikan yang dibudidayakan adalah kerapu mutu ekspor dengan tujuan pasar Hong Kong," kata Bupati Pesisir Selatan, Nasrul Abit, seusai menabur benih ikan kerapu, di Nagari Mandeh, Kecamatan Tarusan, Kabupaten Pessel, kemarin.

Dua jenis benih ikan kerapu yakni kerapu macan sebanyak 8.000 ekor dan kerapu bebek 9.000 ekor, ditabur pada 54 jaring apung milik kelompok Bimantara itu.{ANTARA)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia 02 Agustus 2010,hal. i7

Potensi Penangkapan Ikan Laut Indonesia Meningkat

Potensi Penangkapan Ikan Laut Indonesia Meningkat

MENTERI Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad menyatakan, pemerintah memproyeksikan potensi penangkapan ikan laut di perairan domestik tahun ini sebanyak 5,12 juta ton. Jumlah ini hanya sekitar 80% dari angka tangkapan maksimum alias maximum sustainable yield (MSY) sebanyak 6,4 juta ton. Target ini sedikit lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan produksi perikanan tangkap tahun-tahun sebelumnya (Lihat tabel)

Tapi, potensi penangkapan ikan laut Indonesia telah berlipat ganda menjadi sekitar 8 juta ton sampai 10 juta ton. Berarti, "Total kuota ikan yang dapat ditangkap pun ikut bertambah," kata Kepala Badan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Sahala Hutabarat, pekan lalu.

Target ini memang masih jauh di atas izin yang diberikan. Hingga kini, pemerintah baru menerbitkan izin penangkapan untuk 4,95 juta ton produk perikanan tangkap.

Nah, salah satu cara menggenjot produksi untuk mencapai target adalah memaksimalkan potensi perikanan laut di Maluku. Tentu saja dengan menambah kuota penangkapan ikannya. .

Sumber : Harian Kontan 02 Agustus 2010,hal.15